
Ingrid Canady, Ed.D

Ingrid Canady, Ed.D

Executive Director

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(860) 632-1485 ext. 265

An educator for the past 18 years, Ingrid M. Canady is currently serving as the Executive Director for SERC. In 2003, Ingrid became a member of the SERC consulting staff and began a journey of self-discovery and advocacy with the support of SERC and facilitation from the Pacific Educational Group and its President, Glenn Singleton. The journey provided the opportunity to unmask the hidden realities of institutionalized racism and its impact in today’s classrooms. Since then, unmasking these hidden biases has become an essential part of Ingrid’s transformational leadership approach.

Ingrid is moved into action to create school cultures and environments in which all children are provided with equitable opportunities for personal growth and success. She believes the ever-changing demographic mosaic of our public schools today provides a clear picture of the future and what educators must do to address the culturally, racially, ethnically and linguistically diverse needs of our students. It is evident that in many schools today, culturally, ethnically, racially, and linguistically diverse learners are no longer a minority, but the majority. Ingrid continues to gain new skills that enhance her role as a transformational leader and a positive agitator to create a sense of urgency for the need to provide equitable and accessible education for all of our students.

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