Legislative Initiatives


SERC was charged by the Connecticut General Assembly in July 2015 to examine the data collection and reporting mechanisms currently available in the state for capturing employment outcomes for students with disabilities. Specifically, SERC studied the feasibility of expanding the Preschool through 20 Workforce Information Network (P20 WIN) to include the Department of Developmental Services and the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services. SERC examined whether P20 WIN could create an annual report containing employment data on students who received special education and have exited the public school system, at regular intervals over a ten-year period following such students' exit from the public school system.

Sec. 283 P-20 Feasibility Study

The State Education Resource Center, established pursuant to section 10-357a of the general statutes, shall conduct a study regarding the collection, assimilation and reporting on longitudinal student data related to special education outcomes. Such study shall include: (1) An examination of the feasibility of (A) expanding the Preschool through 20 and Workforce Information Network to include the participation of the Department of Developmental Services and the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services, and (B) utilizing the Preschool through 20 and Workforce Information Network to create an annual report regarding data related to students who received special education and who have exited the public school system, including data related to subsequent employment and participation in state programs, at regular intervals over a ten-year period following such students' exit from the public school system, and (2) a projection of the costs related to such expansion of the Preschool through 20 and Workforce Information Network to include the Department of Developmental Services and the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services and creating such annual report. Not later than January 1, 2016, the center shall submit a report on its findings to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to education, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a of the general statutes.