Legislative Initiatives


Sec. 273 Calendar of learning and training opportunities

(a) The State Education Resource Center, established pursuant to section 10-357a of the general statutes, shall accept notices of events submitted to the center by special education advocacy groups, local and regional boards of education, regional education service centers and other providers of special education services for the purpose of maintaining a calendar of learning and training opportunities for the public regarding the provision of special education programs and services, except the center may exclude any notice of an event that the center determines is not a legitimate learning or training opportunity for the public. Such calendar may be made available on the center's Internet web site. (b) The Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center may reproduce and share the calendar described in subsection (a) of this section. (c) The Department of Education shall post a link to the calendar described in subsection (a) of this section in a conspicuous location on the department's Internet web site.

SERC is pleased to host a statewide calendar of training and other learning events specific to the topic area of special education. This calendar is intended for families, educators, and community members as a tool to locate special education-related training opportunities offered by family advocacy centers and professional development providers throughout Connecticut.

Any organization or local school district that wishes to post its training or professional learning opportunity in the calendar should submit an Event Submission Form. Requests will be reviewed to ensure that the appropriate information has been provided and that the posting falls within the scope and purpose of the calendar. SERC events related to special education are also posted within the calendar.

Anyone with questions about specific events is encouraged to directly contact the organization sponsoring the event. SERC serves as a warehouse for the calendar, so anyone with questions about the calendar can call SERC at 860-632-1485.

To view a calendar of all SERC events, please click here.