Benefits of Co-Teaching

Why co-teach? Because there are numerous benefits, of course. Sometimes it is helpful to review those benefits, particularly if you and your colleagues are overwhelmed by the prospect of this paradigm shift. I am providing these in an easy-to-read bullet format but feel free to check out some of the excellent articles and resources for yourself. In addition, while I first provide the benefits to students-which are important, not to mention plentiful-I also provide the reported benefits to teachers. Let's face it, if teachers aren't happy, ain't no one happy! (For the language arts teachers reading this text, my apologies. I clearly meant to write, "If teachers are not in high spirits, no one else is exuberant either.") As teachers feel rejuvenated and empowered by the strategies and learning they glean from one another, they too will be more willing to bring those strategies to the classroom to improve the instruction for all students.  

--Wendy Murawski

Additional Info

  • Resource Topic: Co-Teaching
  • Source: Murawski, Wendy
  • Year of Publication: 2009
  • Resource Type: file: .PDF