Over the past two years, the Education Development
Center has been working with SERC to develop a set of
tools that districts across the state can use to assess their
current substance misuse prevention programming
and inform the selection of new programs, practices,
and strategies. This opportunity is available under a
collaborative grant between SERC and the Department of
Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS).
SERC, in collaboration with the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
(DMHAS), will offer a one-year opportunity to one district that includes 10 days of virtual
coaching and technical assistance with SERC consultants. The selected district will be eligible
for a stipend of $11, 500 to support implementation of action planning and associated costs.
This grant is a collaborative effort between DMHAS and SERC.
Learn More Here: Grant Information Flyer (PDF)
Grant Application: Grant Application (PDF)
Contact Bianca Irizarry for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.