Thursday, February 6, 2025: the SERC Library will be CLOSED due to inclement weather.

Library materials may not be returned when the library is closed.

SERC Administrative offices remain open for contact via phone or email.



Pursuant to Public Act No. 19-78, the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management has drafted a two-generational interagency plan aimed at systems change in state government that addresses intergenerational poverty and supports families in overcoming barriers to economic success.Specifically, this plan addresses the four primary components in statute:

  1. The development of a data-sharing infrastructure,
  2. coordinating and leveraging existing resources,
  3. identifying innovative approaches through input from parents and the community, and
  4. identifying indicators and goals to measure cross-agency collaboration, economic self-sufficiency, and racial and socioeconomic equity.

The draft 2Gen interagency plan is now posted for public comment: 2Gen Interagency Plan homepage on the CT Office of Policy and Management website.

To submit comments or questions via email, use this address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The public comment period closes 11:59 pm Friday, December 13.