

Through the remainder of June, SERC has planned virtual sessions on timely and important topics for educators and families alike.

Screenside Chats for Parents and Families

Sessions in Spanish and English
First session in Spanish is today, June 9! Please share this info with anyone who might be interested!

Conversando Juntos: Cuidandonos a nosotros, entre nosotros, a los nuestros y a nuestra comunidad!
En estos momentos que estamos pasando por tiempos sin precedentes queremos invitarlos a que se una con nosotros a través del Zoom para un "Chat (conversación) para padres y familias" sobre nuestras experiencias con COVID-19. Comenzaremos chats semanales el 2 de Junio con un enfoque sobre cómo cuidarnos a nosotros mismos, a nuestras familias y a nuestra comunidad. Vengan y compartan lo que están pensando. Por favor comparta este anuncio con otros. Nos gustaría que también nos ofreciera sugerencias de otros temas que podemos usar en el futuro. Para ofrecer sugerencias, comuníquese con Bianca al This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

SERC recognizes that families need support during this challenging time. Families with students of all ages and abilities are welcome to our weekly hour-long "Screenside Chat for Parents and Families" to talk about their experiences. The focus of this chat will be "Caring for Yourself, Your Family, Your Community." We will take questions and set aside time for families to share their ideas with one another.

Racial Equity and Education During COVID-19: Our Community’s Perspective

Pandemic or no pandemic, SERC will always find ways to maintain a focus on racial equity. Our series on Equity and Education during COVID-19 has been very well attended on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30 p.m., with participants in these facilitated online discussions sharing their perspectives around specific topics. Just 3 discussions left - All are welcome! Please register separately for each session. For questions about registration, please contact Emma Velasquez at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For questions about content, please contact Janet N. Y. Zarchen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..