

"Assessment data serve as the common thread in the transition process and form the basis for defining goals and services to be included in the IEP" (DCDT Position Statement, Sitlington, et al. 1996)

If we are to write relevant goals that support successful student outcomes, we need to develop a comprehensive assessment process. During this professional learning session, district teams will define and begin to create a comprehensive secondary transition assessment process by developing a secondary transition assessment toolkit.

This session requires registration by teams of 5-7 district representatives. It is recommended the team include transition coordinators/specialist, special education teachers (grades 6-12), and pupil personnel directors.

This session will be offered six times over the 2018-2019 school year. Please register your team for the session most convenient.

Session 1: January 31 - Register Here!

Session 2: February 27 - Register Here!

Session 3: April 4 - Register Here!

Session 4: April 24 - Register Here!

Session 5: April 30 - Register Here!

Session 6: May 22 - Register Here!