Join SERC for the following sessions with Dr. Marilyn Friend, an international leader in the field of Co-Teaching!
Co-Teaching: Making it Work for You and Your Students!
Monday, October 2, 2017
As an increasing number of schools implement co-teaching, the need for examining the roles and responsibilities of both teachers in the co-taught class has become critical to the success of this service delivery option. By varying the structure of the co-taught class based on the content and student need, co-teaching can be effective in helping achieve desired outcomes for each student. The delivery of specially designed instruction (SDI) within these varied co-teaching structures is essential to improving outcomes for students with disabilities in co-taught classes.
In this session, Marilyn Friend, an international presenter and leader in the field of co-teaching, will address its essential components and share recent research and her expertise. Opportunities will be included for participants to reflect on their experiences and consider practical strategies and solutions for enhancing their practice.
Audience: K-Grade 12: General and Special Education Teachers and Administrators, EL Teachers, Speech and Language Pathologists, and Reading or Math Consultant/Teachers
Presenter: Dr. Marilyn Friend, Author, Consultant and Professional Developer
Making it Work in Your Building: A Co-Teaching Series for Administrators
This is a three day event: Tuesday, October 3, 2017, Thursday, December 14, 2017 & Thursday, April 5, 2018
Session 1: The series kicks off with Dr. Marilyn Friend, international presenter and leader in the field of co-teaching. In this half-day session, participants will explore ways to implement co-teaching successfully at the building level and evaluate its effectiveness in improving outcomes for students, particularly those with IEPs. Administrators will compare local and recommended practices related to the preparation and support of co-teaching partnerships.
Sessions 2 & 3: These half-day sessions will continue to support participants’ role in implementing coteaching through topics such as supporting successful partnerships, scheduling, using observation tools, and ensuring specially designed instruction (SDI) occurs in co-taught classrooms.
- For registration questions, please contact Lauren Johns, SERC, (860) 632-1485, ext. 256 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- For content questions, please contact Virginia Babcock, SERC, (860) 632-1485 ext. 318 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.